Okay...so we've been slacking as far as the updating goes. But that's only because we've been too busy enjoying our time with Mr. Owen!!! The little boy is certainly growing up. He does all kinds of things now. He motors around on his hands and knees like there's no tomorrow. He can pull up on anything and has the "cruising" down pat. He laughs, chuckles, is ticklish, gives hugs, and yes...he still does cry occasionally but usually only when he's hungry or tired...
He has two bottom teeth that he's had for awhile now and 3 top teeth coming in at the moment. He's up to 20 pounds now and is due for the car seat change...finally he gets to face the front of the car instead of staring at the seat the whole time!
He just started going to a new sitter. Her name is Donna and we all really like her a lot. She seems like she will spoil our little guy plenty and give him the love and attention he deserves.
So here's some recent pics below for you to enjoy! Hope everyone is doing well!!!

The picture above was actually in the Southeast Missourian over X-Mas

Owen and Mama opening gifts...

Ahh...the Italian in Owen!!!
He could pass for Tom Cruise's "Color of Money" character right??
Mom always makes Owen smile!