Well, it's been waaaay too long since an update! Time really does fly! Our little Owen is growing up so fast. It seemed like yesterday that we were bringing him home from the hospital. Owen is 18 months old now! He does all the things little boys are suppose to do. He has a pretty wide vocabulary too! Here's a few snapshots of what we've been doing over the summer. We're getting ready to head to Fort Myers, FL for vacation in about 2 weeks so Owen will get his first taste of the beach! I'm sure just like his mom and dad, we'll have to drag him away kicking and screaming when it's time to leave!

Owen and mom finger painting at a Parents as Teachers event

He knows how to say duck!

Riding the tractor and sporting the Cardinal gear

Trying to set a mentos world record at the State Fair

Cousin Maddy and Elijah, Aunt Sara, and Great Grandma Heuschober

Mom teaching Owen to swim